1: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

In postulating his Uncertainty
Principle, Heisenberg realized that it was impossible to
simultaneously know, with a high level of precision, two properties of a
particle. In other words, you can know the position of an electron with a high
degree of certainty, but not its momentum and vice versa.
Niels Bohr later made a discovery that helps to explain
Heisenberg's principle. Bohr found that an electron has the qualities of both a
particle and a wave, a concept known as wave-particle
duality, which has become a cornerstone of quantum physics. So
when we measure an electron's position, we are treating it as a particle at a
specific point in space, with an uncertain wavelength. When we measure its momentum,
we are treating it as a wave, meaning we can know the amplitude of its
wavelength but not its location.
2: Theory of General Relativity

To conceptualize this, imagine you're traveling across theEarth in
a straight line, heading east. After a while, if someone were to pinpoint your
position on a map, you'd actually be both east and far south of your original
position. That's because the Earth is curved. To travel directly east, you'd
have to take into account the shape of the Earth and angle yourself slightly
north. (Think about the difference between a flat paper map and a spherical
Space is pretty much the same. For example, to the occupants of
the shuttle orbiting the Earth, it can look like they're traveling on a
straight line through space. In reality, the space-time around them is being
curved by the Earth's gravity (as it would be with any large object with
immense gravity such as a planet or a black hole), causing them to both move
forward and to appear to orbit the Earth.
Einstein's theory had tremendous implications for the future of
astrophysics and cosmology. It explained a minor, unexpected anomaly in
Mercury's orbit, showed how starlight bends and laid the theoretical
foundations for black holes.
3: Evolution and Natural Selection

In a basic sense, this differentiation occurred through
evolution, through descent with modification [source: UCMP].Populations of organisms developed different
traits, through mechanisms such as mutation. Those with traits that were more
beneficial to survival such as, a frog whose brown coloring allows it to be
camouflaged in a swamp, were naturally selected for survival; hence the term natural selection.
It's possible to expand upon both of these theories at greater
length, but this is the basic, and groundbreaking, discovery that Darwin made
in the 19th century: that evolution through natural selection accounts for the
tremendous diversity of life on Earth.
4: Archimedes' Buoyancy Principle

According to Archimedes'
buoyancy principle, the force acting on, or buoying, a
submerged or partially submerged object equals the weight of the liquid that
the object displaces. This sort of principle has an immense range of
applications and is essential to calculations of density, as well as designing
submarines and other oceangoing vessels.
5: Laws of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics is the study of how energy works in a
system, whether it's an engine or the Earth's core.
It can be reduced to several basic laws, which Snow cleverly summed up as
follows [source: Physics Planet]:
You can't win.
You can't break even.
You can't quit the game.
Let's unpack these a bit. By saying you can't win, Snow meant
that since matter and energy are conserved, you can't get one without giving up
some of the other (i.e., E=mc²). It also means that for an engine to produce
work, you have to supply heat, although in anything other than a perfectly
closed system, some heat is inevitably lost to the outside world, which then
leads to the second law.
The second statement -- you can't break even -- means that due
to ever-increasing entropy, you can't return to the same energy state. Energy
concentrated in one place will always flow to places of lower concentration.
Finally, the third law -- you can't quit the game -- refers to
absolute zero, the lowest theoretical temperature possible, measured at zero
Kelvin or (minus 273.15 degrees Celsius and minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit).
When a system reaches absolute zero, molecules stop all movement, meaning that
there is no kinetic energy, and entropy reaches its lowest possible value. But
in the real world, even in the recesses of space, reaching absolutely zero is
impossible -- you can only get very close to it.
6: Newton's Laws of Motion
As long as we're talking about one of the greatest scientists who ever
lived, let's move on to Newton's other famous laws. His three
laws of motion form an essential component of modern physics. And like many
scientific laws, they're rather elegant in their simplicity.
The first of the three laws states an object in motion stays in motion
unless acted upon by an outside force. For a ball rolling across the floor,
that outside force could be the friction between the ball and the floor, or it
could be the toddler that kicks the ball in another direction.
The second law establishes a connection between an object's mass (m)
and its acceleration (a), in the form of the equation F = m × a. F represents
force, measured in Newtons. It's also a vector, meaning it has a directional
component. Owing to its acceleration, that ball rolling across the floor has a
particular vector, a direction in which it's traveling, and it's
accounted for in calculating its force.
The third law is rather pithy and should be familiar to you: For every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction. That is, for every force
applied to an object or surface, that object pushes back with equal force.
7: Universal Law of Gravitation

F = G × [(m1m2)/r²]
F = G × [(m1m2)/r²]
F is the gravitational force between the two
objects, measured in Newtons. M1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects,
while r is the distance between them.G is the gravitational constant, a
number currently calculated to be 6.672 × 10-11 N m² kg-2 [source:Weisstein].
The benefit of the universal law of gravitation is that it
allows us to calculate the gravitational pull between any two objects. This
ability is especially useful when scientists are, say, planning to put a satellite in orbit or charting the course of the moon.
8: Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

Kepler's three laws of planetary motion -- formed in
the early 17th century -- describe how planets orbit the sun. The first law,
sometimes called the law of orbits, states that planets orbit the
sun elliptically. The second law, the law of areas, states that a
line connecting a planet to the sun covers an equal area over equal periods of
time. In other words, if you're measuring the area created by drawing a line
from the Earth to the sun and tracking the Earth's movement over 30 days, the
area will be the same no matter where the Earth is in its orbit when
measurements begin.
The third one, the law of periods, allows us to establish a
clear relationship between a planet's orbital period and its distance from the
sun. Thanks to this law, we know that a planet relatively close to the sun,
like Venus, has a far briefer orbital period than a distant planet, such as
9: Hubble's Law of Cosmic Expansion

In order to quantify the velocity of this galactic movement, Hubble
proposed Hubble's Law of Cosmic Expansion, aka Hubble's law, an
equation that states: velocity = H0 ×distance. Velocity represents
the galaxy's recessional velocity; H0 is the Hubble
constant, or parameter that indicates the rate at which the universe is
expanding; and distance is the galaxy's distance from the one
with which it's being compared.
Hubble's constant has been calculated at different values over time, but
the current accepted value is 70 kilometers/second per megaparsec, the latter
being a unit of distance in intergalactic space [source:White]. For our purposes, that's not so
important. What matters most is that Hubble's law provides a concise method for
measuring a galaxy's velocity in relation to our own. And perhaps most
significantly, the law established that the universe is made up of many
galaxies, whose movements trace back to the big bang.
10: Big Bang Theory

The theory of the big bang gained widespread support in the scientific
community after Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered cosmic
microwave background radiation in 1965. Using radio telescopes, the
two astronomers detected cosmic noise, or static, that didn't dissipate over
time. Collaborating with Princeton researcher Robert Dicke, the pair confirmed
Dicke's hypothesis that the original big bang left behind low-level radiation
detectable throughout the universe.
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